Click User I/ O in OEM to see the details page of the wait events that cause a User I/ O type of wait. 单击OEM中的UserI/O,查看导致用户I/O类型的等待的等待时间的细节页面。
Now click the Send button at the bottom of the page and wait for a few moments. 现在请点击页面底部的Send按钮并稍等片刻。
In this scenario, the Web page is redrawn and instantaneously informs the user to wait. 在此场景中,会重绘网页并即时通知用户等待。
Rather than wait for the report to be generated, you could return a "please check the reports page in a few minutes" message, while the report is farmed out to a separate server asynchronously. 不需要让用户一直等待生成报告,而是可以返回“pleasecheckthereportspageinafewminutes”消息,同时在另一台服务器上异步地生成报告。
Go back to your browser, click the Go button on the Mac address page, and wait a few minutes. 返回到浏览器中,单击Mac地址页面上的Go按钮,然后等待几分钟。
This means that if you use JavaScript code, the video is ready when the page is ready and you don't have to wait additional time for the plug-in to load. 这意味着如果您使用JavaScript代码,页面完全载入后视频就准备好了,您不需要等待插件加载。
If your web page or application requires a lot of JavaScript, putting all of this code into a single file may lead to a long wait as it is downloaded and executed. 如果您的web页面或应用程序需要很多JavaScript,将所有代码放在一个单独文件中可能会造成下载和执行时长时间等待。
We first act on the web page, then wait until the asynchronous call completes. 我们首先刷新web页面,然后就是等待,直到异步调用完成。
Similar page passes much word, quality of can attenuant website, include weight, PR, link to wait. 相似页面过多的话,会稀释网站质量,包括权重、PR、链接等。
For a Web site, put up a static page asking users to wait while additional resources are brought online. 如果是网站,就发布静态页面,请用户在额外资源启用时耐心等待。
Additionally, page postbacks introduce processing overhead that can decrease performance and force the user to wait for the page to be processed and re-created. 此外,页回发会导致处理开销,这会降低性能,且会让用户不得不等待处理并重新创建页。
This page is under construction, please wait 该页正在建设中,请等待